The Cheapest (Yet Still High-Quality) Cross Trainer Ellipticals for 2015

The general rule of retail in any industry- the more something costs, the better it is. There are millions of exceptions, but this is the general trend. It is something retail shoppers rarely take for granted. There is always a perfect medium between cost and quality. Most buyers are finding that nice middle ground where the cost is reasonable and the quality is good. Below are a few elliptical from 2015 that find the mark, and float near to wild success. The best cross trainer should have a lot of features and come at a good price.

CrystalTec has always been known to put out a lightweight and compact product. Their elliptical are not notoriously durable, so they may only last a year or two. But, they come in at about $100 to $120 on average, and that means the price is right. An upgraded model with a digital panel and lengthy data tracking can be bought for about $150.

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The CT100 is the best all-around product for entry-level participants. It is also lightweight, which makes it very mobile (if that is a concern). It has a solid build but is unlikely to last through a lot of abuse. It lacks a heart rate sensor, which can be problematic. Yet, consider it the stripped down version. At $100, it is completely fair and a solid buy.

The F4H Olympic ES-9308B is the bulkiest elliptical on this list, but it should be. The Olympic is built like a rock, and it lasts. It is a little more expensive than the other options, clocking in at around $200 to $250. Arguably, the Olympic is suited for daily workouts and people expecting to jump on a year-long regime. For that, the cost is perfectly acceptable.

Any Step Machine or elliptical will likely get the job done. It becomes a matter of how serious and how long someone wants to work out and stay at it. It is worth paying more for a product that lasts. Consider any of the above, as well as many others, to save upfront and get started with some solid equipment.